Posts for January 24, 2016
Just giving you a hard time man. You and homer are my two favorite players, except man ashrak who is leagues beyond our skill level. I was actually hoping you would reply with a reason for not gracing us with your presence anymore. Nice to see you on the field more the last couple of days. Look forward to seeing you get back in to it man.
Robert Terwilliger
- Posted by Cracki3
Good riddens. You're garbage. Don't let the door hit you on your way out of the game.
- Posted by Li
The game is not TRASH its just getting exciting ! haha at least its easy to rank up
- Posted by Medical Mints
This game now depends on how low your ping speed is (most of us are good enough at the game).
If they would ever allow true speed back in for everyone it would certainly bring back more excitement. There is nothing more frustrating watching others multiple turn to your single. Until that changes there is no reason to be good anymore. The game itself rocks but when noobs out turn you and "whose your daddy" it takes away from the game integrity. play a couple weeks, off 6 mo
- Posted by siPPy
Are you seriously trying to compete to win a cup during tournaments, or are you just going to rank up without equipment and die at sergeant absolutely every single time?
- Posted by Sigma
Happy to pull out another no-star silver from the last tourney. Was surprised to have gotten my capt kill on this_is_how_we_do really early on - I think he lagged or something. I was actually shooting past him at someone else and had to check the history to see that I ended up with the kill.
Was pretty smooth sailing from there. I expect I was top 2-3 in pph. Probably wasn't too far off of madmike, but spent some time looking for a kill to major. Ended with ~75-80k on my cap.
- Posted by Magallanes