Posts for September 23, 2020


#19637 reply report

Hot Cheetos,
On the main page for Tankpit if you scroll down, and click VIEW ARCHIVED NEWS. Then if you go to OCT 7, 2018. That should help with finding the discord as well as a warning to be noticed. See you on the field.

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#19638 reply report

VIE TAL UH TEE that was a very impressive raid you took tonight. You've got the skills to pay the bills, i see why you have all those awards. Nice work. I don't know if it's frowned upon to praise members of the other colors but i had to make a post in hopes you would see it. I wish i could have given you guys that kind of raid, but for some reason i got stuck at the map screen and i couldn't teleport. Hope to see you out there again. Your Orange friend Hot Cheetos

- Posted by Hot Cheetos

#19639 reply report

hot cheetos
im not sure who tried to bash you. but while i took a raid. you tagged. THAT IS FINE what makes ppl mad is going in front of whomever is taking the raid and radaring for them. following the raid is no problem my dude. you didnt do anything wrong.....until you blocked me in haha. even at that my man dont let these scrubs discourage you.

- Posted by SlopTarts

#19640 reply report

ill give +1 to pro self for actually taking a raid or 2 the other day and did good! i think hes comin around..

- Posted by TRUMP TRAIN


#19641 reply report

Well i see Voltaic is still the Tank Pit cancer. Heads up if you try to raid me I will now be switching to my guestCydonia tanks. Ha.

- Posted by guestCydonia