Posts for June 23, 2024


#24136 reply report

Why is the game so dead? I know why the owner of this game hasn't awarded specials for this quarter . Why haven't you general Lucy? The tournament maps and times are also trash that's why we have 4 man tournaments everytime! This game is done after this season FACTZ Lucky Luciano I just want to thank you from everyone. We are so glad you quit. Because you've been trash 4 years .out of 5 .you have achieved pointless sword for every year. Good job noob.


#24137 reply report

On the mic, I'm better than anyone who's ever had it.
Got it in the bag like inspector gadget.
Opponents limbs get severed with a hatchet.
So it's go go gadget tourny cup
I said, go go gadget a tourniquet.
'for you bleed out and get carried off on a gurney son.
Come against me, and I'm gonna learn you some'n.
Class is in session
But it's like these lyrics grabbed the teacher and possessed him.
Use verbs like weapons.
Words are my method.

- Posted by Nick Gurr


#24134 reply report

FaDeD iLLuSiOnZ ,
zip up, cause u didn't say nothing fly
guess its all illusions, cause that fade has jagged lines
You're that goofy kid always in the back of the line
ur autistic and collecting dimes
im all with it collecting cups, while you crap your pants for the 1000th time
u aint got a mind half as ill as mine
u wouldn't know what to think if I told u what to opine
u better stand up straight talking to me, before i crack your spine
And not as in crack like whats on blunt's mind

- Posted by Nick Gurr

#24135 reply report

FaDeD iLLuSiOnZ ,
Ayeeeee, glad you were finally able to cup that tank in a four man bud!

- Posted by Khayembii Communique