Posts for April 23, 2014


#5312 reply report

These battlefield tips of the day are very helpful thank you BF-2! Keep em up!

- Posted by idolize -- INSULIN

#5315 reply report

-The OldSchooler
Unlike the olden days its really hard to kill most 'experienced' players outside of a large battle. They can't be killed 1v1, 2v1, or even 3v1, so these players bring in their friends to do the job. Unfortunately this courtesy of extreme force extends to players less used to such treatment and so new players unused to such abusive odds and coordination may find themselves in rather unfair battles. I encourage you to quit out in such an event.

- Posted by guest

#5316 reply report

The Battle of Carthage was the main engagement of the Third Punic War between the Punic city of Carthage in Africa and the Roman Republic. It was a siege operation, starting sometime between 149 and 148 BC, and ending in spring 146 BC with the sack and complete destruction of the city of Carthage.
More to come about this engagement later. Go Epic Battles!

- Posted by Carthage

#5317 reply report

@ Ice Cube, i dont care what you had to do, if you quit low for any reason at all, guess what? you quit low! Don't tell me about the old days of battlefield because i was playing on ""...Another thing, I will now target you everytime and spam Help Enemy until we make you quit low or run every time...I have a lot of interesting videos I need to post...whos got a tankpit site? But dont feel bad icecube I call out players on my own team that quit low..I will not tolerate it!

- Posted by WaRhEaD

#5318 reply report

I can vouch for ICE CUBE. Haven't seen him quit low, and have been in a couple raids on him to which he took till he died.

- Posted by weekend nachos

#5320 reply report

nice fighting out there. Try gaining more equipment though and utilize your armors and radars, that way you wont have to quit out to preserve your rank. It's rough learning the game at first but keep it up, I can tell you're getting the hang of it. Don't be afraid to die though, rank is only temporary, dive in more group fights and see what this game really has to offer. See you on the field.

- Posted by weekend nachos

#5321 reply report

Whats up guys!

- Posted by Valkyrie Jenn


#5310 reply report

New Player, Tip of The Day!
You can now view all of your tanks stats and info, on your Select Your Tank page. By going to the Info button on the right side of the tank you wish to view. It displays stats such as: when the Tank was created/ Ping/ World hours/ Last played... and much more.
Your Friend, Battlefield-2, GL and have Fun!

- Posted by Battlefield-2

#5313 reply report

First off, I want to thank you for the help you have given me (and other red tanks, too) when I had 5 blue majors chasing me around. Even back in the old battlefield days I don't remember a player being so honorable. You rock!
Good advice on the web browser! One of the Battlefield-#'s informed me on a previous bulletin that Chrome has given him problems. I might try firefox.
Thanks for the advice! Looking forward to playing with you more often!

- Posted by draZzledaZzle


#5311 reply report

Tournament, Tip of The day!
At the beginning of a water tournament, such as Deep six/ Iceland/ Aquarium. You will want to find a ferry to fill your equipment. The reason filling on a ferry is better on these maps is because there is more water then land. and less people on water then on land. So there is much more equipment built up on the water.
Your Friend, Battlefield-2, GL and have Fun!

- Posted by Battlefield-2