Posts for March 23, 2025


#24605 reply report

Hi everyone, Moped here. I’m Skooters wife. Unfortunately I have to deliver some bad news. Last night, after a long battle with depression Skooter had a successful attempt. In the note he left he stated that the constant bullying from KoRn was what finally pushed him over the edge. I’m not mad at your KoRn. I know my husband is now in a better place where he isn’t consistently being harassed by you any longer. All I ask is maybe think before you feel the need to bully anyone else.

- Posted by mopedgang

#24606 reply report

If anyone would like to make a donation in honor of my late husband I will post the gofundme on discord. A place where he felt he was truly loved and accepted. Thank you everyone.

- Posted by mopedgang