Posts for August 22, 2018


#16490 reply report

Welcome, my friend.

- Posted by CHIVALRY

#16491 reply report

Welcome Clima, ROSE and IBP as the latest additions to the rusty club.
Grats dudes!

- Posted by - Mercury -

#16493 reply report

Sorry I missed it, congrats on the Rusty.

- Posted by Lasher

#16494 reply report

Ricky Bobby,
LOL all the Bobby tanks are annoying... all they do is whine about being attacked. I die in raids but you don't see me hitting the Lame button every two seconds.

- Posted by Lasher

#16495 reply report

Man, you are too funny bro. Don't be all salty because you can't win a tournament yet. It takes time. Took me 3 months to start winning cups after the first one I won in may. It honestly takes time and practice to be good at tournaments. Don't get me wrong, luck plays a role too but the players that consistently win are just that good bro. Just be humble you already got a cup on your main tank and enjoy the game.

- Posted by Globe Daddy

#16496 reply report

Please come join our TP Discord chat

- Posted by Discord

#16497 reply report

Hi, I'm new. I know the map changes in 1 day, but what time does that happen?

- Posted by JuuJuuBeeez


#16492 reply report

Hi! very new to the game. I love it when one specific person picks on me because I'm new. SO FUN. Homeboy literally waits for me to spawn.
I guess I'll try back in an hour and hope Malik is gone.

- Posted by JuuJuuBeeez


#16487 reply report

kids crying for participation trophies or feeling sorry for players that haven’t practiced enough to win cups...
..just ain’t learned to go hard in the paint.

- Posted by HARD in the PAINT

#16488 reply report

u dont have 2 b a lengend to get kups. just get gooder—-

- Posted by lengend

#16489 reply report

there you go have the Captin i gave it to yall tonight you say you dont team up an all that its all bull... As soon as i managed to steal a rank to captin Most everyone of you did just like a FEW of us say happens I made my point before i gve you the captin tired of yall chasing LAME LAME LAME LAME is that the BEST YOU CAN DO hold out legit players GRATS you ALL ukSAY hope you lick the cup you win tonight losers.

- Posted by Frinzee