Posts for July 22, 2017


#14619 reply report

Glad to have enough time to play more aha I'm hoping to get the player base up on Tankpit I'm going to share this game with more people.
Shalom o/ yall !
GOGOGO I can't wait till the next Tournament (fun) ...

- Posted by Freekey Thug

#14623 reply report

Nobody actually cares how you play. Keep it up. I've just always pondered what one does in the map all day when they ain't shooting people. Seems like a boring thing to do when this game is already 9 out of 10 on the boring scale. Makes me think you need a hug if this is the only entertainment you're getting in life... Anyways, cheers mate.

- Posted by ImHereToMakeYouCry

#14625 reply report

I'm the only catfish with luscious puppies

- Posted by Jay the Catfish

#14626 reply report

I barely get enough leisure time to enter the field but even then I can assure you; you'd be the last person to run me out of it.
I find it ironic that someone holding a silver cup is complaining about the "land conditions" AKA lack of fuel and supplies. I try to give the game more challenge and fun.
However, I understand a player of your quality cannot cope with this. If your too scared, it's OK child. You can wait until blue team is raiding the map or switch colors.

- Posted by zela27


#14621 reply report

Can you still vote for the next map ? I just noticed the feature is missing ????

- Posted by Clockwork Orange

#14622 reply report

Okay I can tell you are completely clueless to this game.... You think someone wins a 1v1? they are PPHing you fool.
I really hope you weren't serious about winning a 1v1. I mean I'm imagining you thinking you're really pwning someone. LOLOLOLOL that's top 5 funniest thing I ever heard on BF thanks.

- Posted by RedEyeJedi

#14624 reply report

Beware of PITBULL aka mustard, raid him first. he's horrible, usually dies with in 2 mins.. I've seen him die so fast, he didn't even last screen or two. he's such a newbie, and he spams in discord. LaLaLa

- Posted by EDC