Posts for April 22, 2020
Pyramid Insurgence,
You're a good player. I didn't deserve the kill in the raid we the purple had against you. I wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as you. Props!
- Posted by Lights Out
Math Magician,
Bro yes. I was an on/off player. I don't remember 4-5 tournaments in 98, but I do remember the tourneys. If i had to name drop the top #1s from the "on" periods:
Anten (total homo)
Maybe Karina was somewhere in the mix too? I had dialup for the longest time.
The real question is if you participated....
- Posted by JamesChen
Math Magician P2
The real question is if you participated in the bonus dot com contest where you could win a PC or Sega Saturn? We ended up winning 2 Sega Saturn's off it lol. Did not like too many of the other games outside of Ski game.
- Posted by JamesChen
Orange Rising.... China Rising..
James Chen has single-handedly took Orange from a "nothing color" to having 3 Oranges in the Top 10.
Just like the Chinese economic turnaround after Bill Clinton and the WTO. Red/Blue, carry on with your cockiness. The Chinese orange squad will eventually overtake the full top 10. JamesChen = President Xi
- Posted by JamesChen
Dear TankPit Fellowship......
Don't any of you know how to stay 6 foot away from my tank?
Get Blasted!
- Posted by Prowl
General R,
Thanks. It was long, hard fought journey to get to the General, but luckily I played smart!
Great job in the field. You are a true B-field gamer.
- Posted by JamesChen
Sure I suck, but at least I don't spend all day hating on someone in a game. Boo hoo, I like VOLTAiC so I'll just troll all day. I hope you're happier in rl than in game.
- Posted by PhillyPhill
VOLTAIC--SUX(aka Bluntz) about the pot calling the kettle black! "Do as i say! Not as I do!"
What a joke....
- Posted by CKPA2020
Is the general player pool that gullible? Playing along or actually believing these wild 'veteran' return stories just leads to more annoying posts and play....
These are just below average/mediocre current players vying for attention and a brief moment in the spotlight....wake up.
- Posted by CKPA2020
Smokescreen, got deactivated badly by a lieutenant named "Wretched". Who does that? Lmao... it is time for you to quit, you can't come back from that. This is worse than Aeris getting destroyed by Blue-4
Btw #7 in 2 weeks of playing this game. Suck my b4lls
China Rising...
- Posted by JamesChen
I dont wanna hear you talk shit to anybody anymore, after watching you marathon around the map and quit out over and over you have no right to speak down on ANYBODY....
- Posted by Skeleton Key
Nobody is in a chat/voice chat during tournaments, like you think. You get ganged up on because thats just what happens to sugardaddies....
- Posted by the Technician