Posts for April 22, 2016


#13010 reply report

I heard i need to come out of retirement, we'll see.....

- Posted by Lockdown


#13011 reply report

Need a gym partner? I can help you get rid of that fat of yours.

- Posted by Ashrak2002


#13012 reply report

csst aka Goku, How are you going to come here and tell zela not to listen to what people say, but then spend 2 paragraphs tell him exactly what was said? He asked a fair question and he deserved a fair response. I think as someone who's won 84 cups to date, I have a good grasp on what to reply to him with. zela, for now you should follow cssts model of cupping - just try and make major, get enough points to get promoted at each rank and hunt kills. Major is 85% guaranteed a cup.

- Posted by weekend nachos