Posts for February 22, 2016


#12609 reply report

Yeah $50 op for a cup.. eff all that

- Posted by Varus

#12610 reply report

How do you get a 1 armed blonde out of a tree?
Wave to her!

- Posted by BuBBa Gump

#12611 reply report

I have been an avid tankpit player off and on for years. I played on bonus and i played playbattlefield. I have always been BuBBa Gump since the mid to late 90's. I dont recall your name but I hardly remember many names from the bonus days. Im sure we had some great battles though.

- Posted by BuBBa Gump

#12612 reply report

im from 97 mate. Get aim ull find alot of us there l;D

- Posted by Frinzee

#12615 reply report

In search of sponsors for my "Deactivate WEENIE BOY" campaign!!!
Sponsorship Levels:
Bronze- $20 puts your company logo on my tank treads!
Silver- $50 puts your company logo on your choice of the left or right side of my tank!!
Gold- $75 puts your company logo on my gun turret!!!
Platinum- $100, only one possible!! This sponsor will select a personalized message to be etched into my Dual Shots, which will be embedded into WEENIE BOY's deactivated tank!
parsec parsley- I RULE!!!

- Posted by parsec parsley

#12616 reply report

Recently, an advertisement was placed on the board offering a digital rendering of a cup and other pixaleted pixels for 50 unknown currency values. I have been retained to investigate this matter and provide a report detailing the legitimacy of this enterprise as well as conducting a comprehensive background check on all individuals affiliated with said enterprise. Please await the conclusion of my investigation before proceeding with business transactions.

- Posted by Private Detective

#12617 reply report

Springfield Manufacturing Co. has recalled all orange tanks built between 2012 and 2016 due to faulty wiring resulting in spontaneous combustion when placed in the heat of Desert. If you purchased a tank from Springfield Manufacturing Co. during this time period, contact Parsley and Spices, LLC., for possible legal recourse.
Many owners of Springfield tanks have already answered the recall and contacted us for legal advice. Don't miss your chance, act now before it's too late!!

- Posted by parsec parsley

#12618 reply report

There are a few of us with old tank names and a few more that have NEW tank names. It's a nice distraction from work and boredom. Ive played this tank and Bruised n Battered since early on except for a brief hiatus away. Had to start all over. Enjoy

- Posted by Black and Blue

#12619 reply report

Someone say "Old School" ;)
It's awesome to see so many of the players come back over the years that I remember! It seems a lot of players have found it again.

- Posted by getchya

#12620 reply report

Does this game take donations to help support it or how is it funded?

- Posted by getchya


#12613 reply report

Hey man, I've seen you playing quite a bit. Is this the first time you've played this game, or have you played in previous versions? Anyway, it's good to see you trying your best, keep it up man!

- Posted by Miles Standish

#12614 reply report

Deactivating nise-deactivator repeatedly after he dies is pretty lame of you. Way to keep new players interested in the game

- Posted by Miles Standish