Posts for November 22, 2015


#11924 reply report

Bud! lol my bad

- Posted by SimplyElite

#11925 reply report

You have more awards than me only because I have barely played with this tank, duh.
Outranking someone in this game means nothing. You clearly got your triple star from jumping in on raids, and then getting the kill with pure luck, because I have seen that you will not even fight 1v1, much less take a real raid.

- Posted by Integrity

#11926 reply report

You got your gold tank by just shooting bot tanks, so no big accomplishment there. And, you got your rusty sword by spending enough time in a map, so no big accomplishment there either. As for you being the better player, we can begin to judge that, if you ever actually START PLAYING! As for your balls. You say that you've got 'em. Well, let me get my magnifying glass out and check, because if you've got 'em, then they must be atom-sized. LOL

- Posted by Integrity

#11927 reply report

Here's an idea. If you attack somebody and they do nothing but mararthon around the map after being attacked, say after 6 or 8 hops, with not one shot back, so its clear that it's blatant marathoning, that their tank color changes to pink PERMANENTLY! That way we'll all know who's not worth our time, because they are a pink little girl coward. What do you guys think? ;)

- Posted by Integrity

#11930 reply report

Yes, the Billys were in cm-orange team. I played against you guys alot, I was waR COFFEE
try to remember which one you were and remember the way the community used to communicate outside of the game-that hasn't changed...

- Posted by OSPF ROUTING

#11932 reply report

Nasty Billy you might think you're playing well because you run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, but anyone can do that.
Watch other people play in a 1v2 1v3 1v4 etc, they actually shoot back, don't just move on every turn, don't only fight if they are full fuel etc.
In a 2v1 or 1v1 why run around mining every single thing instead of just shooting back? Watch and learn.
This also goes for supercalifragilistic from the other day

- Posted by itscake

#11935 reply report

hard to catch singapore players, fastest broadband speed in 2015.

- Posted by BLOOD THIRST


#11928 reply report

King WeToddid
Running away is a skill believe it or not. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesnt. Whats the matter child? Are you getting angry that you cant catch me? Is that it? Hahahahaha. You will have to try harder than that to catch me. Also, how many times do I have to say that I dont really care about what people think of me at this game? Its a GAME!!! It has no effect on my life whatsoever. Keep on saying things about me from behind a computer. You sure sound tough. Hahahahaha

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#11929 reply report

King WeToddid
No wonder I dont care who has a problem with me. Its actually funny to see the stuff you fools type in here. Its quite entertaining. Please, keep it up. Lol. Hopping around the map hiding behind rocks is skill. The point of this game is to stay alive and I will do so by whatever means possible whether you like it or not child. You're the one thats an embarrassment and a coward to the people with real skills. You need to up your game to my level. BIGTIME. I await your reply

- Posted by Ashrak2002


#11923 reply report

at zoopid,
There should be a spectate mode... but the thing is that people can cheat and tell other people where fuel is, where people are, who's getting raided etc.
but to build on your idea, there should be a spectate mode however there should be at least a 1 minute delay. so that basically that way, people can't cheat. 1 minute delay or 2 etc. you get my point haha

- Posted by Abraham Simpson II

#11931 reply report

So i realized looking back on the tournament results for cm that if i just could have gotten the kill i probably could have won a cup. ARGGGGHHHHHH. I either beast out monsterous pph or i get the kills. I can never do both for some reason. Guess i just need to keep trying to get better.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11934 reply report

OMGGGGGGG Shining why did you do it?? Lol nice job. Silver will have to do i suppose. Nice tournament everyone.

- Posted by -xJedi