Posts for October 22, 2015
tell the moderator to send me my confirmation and i will gladly join. I have tred many times hello.
- Posted by Cracki3
Abe simpson
Always man. I for one definitely know that struggle of not being the dominant color.
- Posted by -xJedi
Tank-killa , why are you even speaking on the field ? you might be new but your one of the worst players !! never seen you fight a 1v1 let alone fight more than one person at a time ! not to be mean but your garbage get better then talk smack
- Posted by DeatH WarranT
Or w.e your name is, youre the worst player. You only play when you have 5 blues with you otherwise you run around the map. Youve been playing long enough to take a raid, take one.
- Posted by Tank-Killa
JEDIx, I have seen you take great raids and I assumed you were a second account. I'm not trying to call out all blue players and I don't think I'm very good. I got pretty lucky with my cup.
I'm just trying to call out all the people who don't play honorably. Generally speaking, there are a ton of blue tanks in the Capt-Col ranks that don't have cups who will participate in raids until they it's them getting raided.
- Posted by Flys Eggs
Hey Sigma, just by the way HershyL is one of the oldest players here, along with noodle and Flys eggs. He peaked top 25 on the old scoreboard in R&S and Deep six so I don't hear he needs help.
- Posted by SzL
Johnny tightlips.
Please for the love of god put a DOT on your tank and make the perfect gold award set to go with your color.
Sincerely someone who will apparently never cup or get a special
- Posted by -xJedi
Hope that wasnt too bad of a showing today. i was pretty much out of shields in the beginning. Dud fuels suck. Oh well. Anyway i hope i made it a good take in the end. Keep em coming.
- Posted by -xJedi
Also if you feel i am not doing something properly in my takes i do take criticism. Let me know or i cant change it.
- Posted by -xJedi
Chief Wiggum,
For the most part, yes lol. Good to see you playing again! For a number of reasons Springfield packed up and went orange, hit me up sometime and we can catch up! Hol' it down!
- Posted by Homer J Simpson
As message at the halfway mark in every tournament says, giving out free kills (intentionally dying to the specific single player, or to the crowd) is prohibited. Repeated offenses will get you banned from future tournaments. If you have given up on playing the tournament, simply leave the tournament if you are not being chased, or if you are being chased, do your best to survive until they give up chasing you. Best of luck in upcoming tournaments.
- Posted by Sigma