Posts for January 22, 2015
Thanks for the comment before. I try to take raids whenever people start coming at me. I know I'm not the greatest player around but I do enjoy playing regardless if I'm a general or a sergeant. Keep up the good work.
- Posted by All Day28
@ Sigma hey thanks for the tourney advice bro and see you on the field as well.. I've played bf back in the days and only won a several cups in my prime. I was apart of n00bs and Aliens. Yeah I was just a little frustrated in the tourney but I never usually quit
- Posted by chewsetboss
I may try to make a return and push for my rusty. I would really like to, but life is so demanding. Sitting at 369 hours. Keep an eye out for more of me in the near future my friends.
- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito