Posts for September 21, 2017
Treachary Thats the point I always make. For these guys who don't take raids. If everybody played like them... Nobody would ever get past capt. Unless buddies gave free kills.
- Posted by Nightfox
How dare you talk about risk you small man not even a man just a male body.
In order to be great you have to take a great risk for a great change and you sir, need CHANGE you need a big change with your flimsy mindset and the way you view things I suggest next time you want to point the finger at anyone look in the mirror.
Some of you are bent out shape over nothing hahaha
TREACHERY Stop crying awwww things didn't go your way so learn how to deal with it ya big baby.
- Posted by Nike
Yea you can say whatever but the truth is the old timers rank each other up and get mad when new players get mad it's a cycle of hypocrites
You need to find the real god and support the truth no matter what that truth is if not it does not matter what you have to say YOU A PUNK IN THE END running away from the truth so what difference does it make.
- Posted by learnsomefacts
Get some skills actually play the game I know some people like PITBULL play for more than eight hours a day BUT HEY yeah, that's normal? YOU LOZER seriously if you're not a hardcore tank loser it's okay to play the way you want as long as you don't cheat. MAN UP! Stop crying.
Just because all you do is tank all day does not mean other people have to be an addicted little punk like you.
- Posted by learnsomefacts
Really no map change? It's brutally boring with the desert and some old dude with PITBULL and his share team it's like what's the point to log on LOL SERIOUSLY change the map and maybe change the way you think people need to play so we can have more players.
Talk about being friendly some of you are very friendly others you are scum and just hate people because you fail yourself STEP YOUR GAME UP.
No wonder the # of players for this game are so low you hack the newbies to death HYPOCRITES
- Posted by Spooky
PITBULL and a alot of babies here still thinks like little kids..obsessed,going on endlessly on how she chased a little tank for days and getting bothered is so pathetic that she has to write letters to try end get all the insecurity really must hurt for you to play this game and not have a life.unlike people like me and others here(other color tanks players not just blue)have grown already,doesn't go around complaining like a F@g B!(%h.even stalking other players and making it personal
- Posted by F2bBacK
sorry packattack
i get bored afterawile of not shooting something..
chillin just ain't my style
need to regrab the gold tank award medal anyway
- Posted by GamerX459
You do realize that the purpose of calling base is to gather a mob to bring down a weak target, right? So why are you calling raids on guys who have dozens of cups on their CCID or the top 5 lieutenants during a tournament? Last night, you called base on LOTUS, who already has a silver cup and many other cups on other tanks. He is NOT going to die if you try to raid him. Do you really wonder why no one answers your calls to raid your chosen targets?
- Posted by Sigma