Posts for July 21, 2017
I don't know whether to put u on blast for trying to make a correlation on how "Alpha" someone is with their style of play in an online game, or just to tell u about the sheer size of the fück I don't give about your opinion. Ask Fiora, Prospect and Orville J Simpson about what happened to them when I finally entertained their 1v1 engagements. Chances are they're singing a different tune than u (although they probably wouldn't admit publicly to losing to that DrawToTheWheel guy).
- Posted by DrawToTheWheel
You can keep on coming in the game for the soul purpose to lock the waters up and ruining land conditions if you'd like little homie ill just have to run you out the map every time you enter it.
- Posted by Whis
Zela-it happens to everyone.
DrawtotheWheel-just why?
Sunwolf-more tournies please.
Nightfox-get on chat!
- Posted by 3 Minutes Remaining
Insolent peasant, i have defeated your rank in game by 15 hours. You have over 100! I have no equal
- Posted by Fiora