Posts for June 21, 2019
2 Fat Cats,
What are you going on about now? Thought I buried you last year. Now crawl back under that rock loser and stay there!
- Posted by TULIP
Imma bit confused on what happened there. You got deactivated 2 times in rapid succession by... blue 1? Looked like a glitchy glitch or something. Can someone explain this to me? I watched you take a major blue raid the other day like a boss and i cant imagine today had anything to do with incompetency
- Posted by EPIK
my dog was eating something he shouldnt i was trying to play and get it out of his mouth at the same time
- Posted by Tankzilla69
I was like what the heck happened sorry dude. Dog way more important you can always get the rank back.
- Posted by CID