Posts for February 21, 2015


#9479 reply report

@ Sigma thanks for the support man.. yeah a cup is the next option.. @ cyrus no problem bro lol you deserve it

- Posted by chewsetboss

#9480 reply report

Normally i like all of your posts... However in regards to the pre mining post, i have a comment or two. There are severa of your red brothers that do the exact same thing. It does suck taking raids like this, but nonetheless it s apart of the game. I have found just taking the raids make the raids from other more honorable players soooooo much easier. Just food for thought.

- Posted by Cracki3

#9481 reply report

So....Obviously I have lots to learn about taking a raid. One and foremost is stop hitting the Q button for the number 1 one button for my armors. That hot key is out. Stupid annoying. Really got figure out my death point. Trying to learn on 7 or more tanks on me just is not happening tonight.
Winter Blues

- Posted by Winter Blues

#9482 reply report

Yup I officially suck at taking raids. I open to suggestions to all the raid gods out there.
Winter Blues

- Posted by Winter Blues

#9483 reply report

Okay Purple, I see you. Fuel on the map was utterly diminished to the point that my takes just became sad. You win today.

- Posted by Super Saiyan Vegito

#9484 reply report

Amazing job out there last night. I threw in a couple of random tanks for you guys to raid and i was not disappointed. Great job. Keep up the good work.
You guys did a great job fighting back. Keep it up.

- Posted by Cracki3

#9485 reply report

Freeman, Rockefeller, Rothschild, other purples on your team - shame on you guys for pre-mining the entire map while you raid me and SSV. Why should I take raid from you guys if you are going to play sleazy like this? from Sigma
Yo don't complain but I had to go through the same exact thing in the desert (while taking raids) except it was red and orange mines, 2 times as bad, and that was for atleast a week and half.

- Posted by xXxBIGBADDOGxXx

#9489 reply report

It's not "yall" that's being flagged as inappropriate (the swear filter ignores spaces to prevent abuse, so you wouldn't have been able to post "y a l l" if it was); it's probably a combination of two (or more) words making a false positive to the swear filter. For example: "of a good" used to be flagged as inappropriate content (look closely and you should see why).
If you find any false positives like that then send them in via the TankPit Online Form and they'll be fixed.:)

- Posted by sFear

#9490 reply report

“Courage will now be your best defence against the storm that is at hand-—that and such hope as I bring.”
- Gandalf

- Posted by Gandalf

#9491 reply report

Who's your daddy?

- Posted by PURPLE KUSH

#9496 reply report

when 1 color plays for hrs and raids for hrs they leave a trail of mines from each raid. sigma an SSv started taking raids a couple hours after the purples began wrcking the battlefield. no1 premined like the boy who cried wolf made up, but hes right that purple mines were all over desert. how is that? use your imagination to figure out what actually went down. also havent you noticed the other purple tanks putting down mined? but you never cry about that

- Posted by Purple Nation

#9497 reply report

a good player takes every challenge thrown their way. just like how the purples fought the whole map yesterday. but i dont see you giving props to that. stop bein sore about losing a rank or 2. wrongfully accusing ppl will earn you more enemies than respect

- Posted by Purple Nation

#9498 reply report

Nice action on the field today. Was good to see so much activity. Pretty sure this is the longest I have played in one day; got that BATTY fever! 40 more hours and counting.

- Posted by Snow

#9499 reply report

Raid-taking props:
+1 Hot Rod

- Posted by Sigma

#9500 reply report

Cyrus Simpson,
Good to see you around man. I am trying to see how high I can go before I hit battered sword (20 hours to go). But I will be slow getting there, because I have full-time job + part-time school. All of my weekends and free time is annihilated haha. If you still play tourneys, you can see me there more often under anonymous names. Have fun guessing who I played as =)

- Posted by Sigma