Posts for December 21, 2013


#4350 reply report

Fluke is tdK and who am I is HuffDaddy

- Posted by TRUTH

#4351 reply report

:} Hey hey <3

- Posted by WEENIE GIRL

#4352 reply report

sometimes i wonder what it would be like speed like warrior or divine...
I empathize with you, for when I started playing, it was on my 10 yr old desktop with a burnt out graphics card, so despite my pc specs and average speed, made me a lot slower in game. However, playing on the laptop I recently bought & also getting a new isp, changed my speed drastically.

- Posted by - Titanium -

#4355 reply report

Notice theirs plenty of bots out there on the field.

- Posted by GeneralSick


#4353 reply report

@Warm Beer
First of all I don't even know that noob. I was picking up equipment and he started shooting me. He was a corp and i was hoping that maybe he'll promote to sarg soon so i could destroy him. I ended up killing a totally different sarg to get to captain. So your lies about me taking free kills does not apply in this case. I ended killing that same coporal noob later when he was lt to make my major. I have no idea who he was. Anyone who really paid attention would of known this but you're just mad cuz you wanted my lt kill so bad but couldn't close the deal. I'm writing this for the record so that everyone here understands that I would never take free kills on team tanks first of all and second i usually make it to major in about 1 hour easily. I have 3 other major tanks that i've reached in about an hour. I don't need freekills. Now Warm Beer if you wanna take this out of the field i'd be more than happy to destroy you just don't go running your mouth because youre inferior.

- Posted by Raiden

#4354 reply report

Please switch color to Orange so I can protect you my love. By going Purple, you are only catering to the dominant color on the board. Switch back to Orange and let me be your knight in shining armor. I can forever shield you from the heathens that infest this game.

- Posted by WEENIE BOY