Posts for October 21, 2015


#11619 reply report

All you guys stacking 1 color aren't helping this once wonderful game at all. Great job!

- Posted by soccerbgl

#11620 reply report

Be right back = let me get equipment so I can not die to you as a Lieutenant again. Good job Blues!

- Posted by soccerbgl

#11621 reply report

+1 HershyL. You had 1-2 transformers radaring for you, but nonetheless, you got low on most teleports and fought back against 4 reds. I give you credit for that; that's progress right there. Also, in case you haven't noticed - every tournament, you enter and start shooting without filling on equipment and get killed at serg by 30 min. You realize all the guys who win cups are busy filling up on equip during the first 7-9 min? Next time, try filling to 50+ extra radars and then fight! =)

- Posted by Sigma

#11622 reply report

Fly Eggs
Hush bro. If you wanna talk mess know what your talking about. My other tank is Cracki3. It is purple.... It is ranked in the top30 i think. Havent checked in a while. I only switched to blue because purple was so dominate for a time that i couldnt ever get in on a purple tank. I am gonna shiner this tank before i go back to Cracki3. The strength of colors changes the longer you play. All four color have been dominate in my roughly 400 hours. Stop crying. tables will turn soon.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11623 reply report

Dragoon LV5
wut happened???
Thought you were safe to leave your tank in because you are blue.

- Posted by L E N G E N D i Z E

#11624 reply report

Thanks for the 1vs1 earlier mysterious felon

- Posted by Badboyz

#11625 reply report

Who is the scrubs that killed me down from general to recruit....
Did not even leave me tank in but come back and low and behold i'm a recruit :/

- Posted by Badboyz

#11626 reply report

I always thought you'd be well served if you managed to find one of the player groups related to Tankpit. If you search engine the name of the game, it's one of the first results

- Posted by Hello


#11627 reply report

To: Blue Newbs
Sub: Etiquette
It is customary around here to let the fallen solider re-fill equip after an honorable death. I called "brb" (against my better wishes) in hopes of filling faster so I could once again call "cgm". -xJedi, props to you (as usual) for backing off. You other 3 blues that kept attacking need to practice proper etiquette or I will have no choice but to nominate each of you to be put on SPRINGFIELD's Most Wanted List. TRUST ME, that's a list you don't want to be on!!!!!

- Posted by Abraham Simpson III


#11630 reply report

Am I still the only purple Simpson?

- Posted by Chief Wiggum


#11629 reply report

Thank the SunWolf for adding a tournament in The Nile this month :)
-The Japanese Toilet

- Posted by Japanese Toilet