Posts for September 20, 2015


#11235 reply report

Mysterious Felon
Congrats on the cup. Finally snagged one and not just any cup.. Gold!

- Posted by uNRiVaLeD-

#11236 reply report

Mysterious felon.
You are awesome man. Great fighing against you. You fought back nonstop and fought as long as possible. You are an awesome player and i look forward to playing with you more.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11237 reply report

@Design in Malice
You rekt that nerd Victory! GJ, you're my hero now.

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#11238 reply report

-xJedi Thanks for congrats man. Will probably never rusty that tank though. Def will get a batty on it though.

- Posted by Badboyz

#11241 reply report

Hate to break it to you -xJedi but the location you teleported to and died at was a false fuel point. I scanned it, the fuel disappeared and then you teleported to where it was. Feel free to blame me for your bad luck though if it soothes your ego.
You might think I was taking your fuel but I was just scanning areas around you that had old fuel data. Don't worry I'll make sure to never help again.

- Posted by itscake

#11242 reply report

You seem to be new. You're pretty awesome for sticking it out to the end instead of quitting out when low on fuel.

- Posted by sFear

#11243 reply report

this community is too small and inbred to enjoy playing in

- Posted by Zoopid


#11239 reply report

@the fake Mike Huckabee,
Look, you would have hated Lincoln, because he disregarded DRED SCOTT 1857 decision of the Supreme Court that said black people weren't fully human. He disregarded it because he knew that it was not operative, it was not logical. Jefferson warned against judicial tyranny, which he said would be the case if we ended up allowing a court ruling to become law without the other two branches coming into agreeing. ...

- Posted by Mike Huckabee

#11240 reply report

... I think we're getting close to what Jefferson said, when he said that if we allow the judicial branch just to make up law without the people's elected representatives you turn the Constitution into a "thing of wax." And that's why I believe it's time for us to have a real clear understanding of what should be something that we learned in ninth grade civics: that the Supreme Court is not the Supreme Branch, it's the Supreme Court; and it's certainly not the Supreme Being.

- Posted by Mike Huckabee

#11245 reply report

You are the definition of a peasant. Pathetic.

- Posted by Donald Trump

#11246 reply report

Thats was fun .. Good Job everyone !! CHEEYA

- Posted by DeatH WarranT

#11247 reply report

Fun last tournament; silver is a nice change
Seemed to be a pretty clean tourney until the final minute when TrumpForPresident decided to QL to save his rank and, at the time gold, after I teleported to his obby and stole his desperation fuel. Pretty weak...that performance doesn't even deserve the bronze.
Looks like flappybird and I were within a couple shots of each other though and by the end we both passed him in that last 45 seconds. Not surprising since we were neck and neck since Lt.

- Posted by Astral Haven

#11248 reply report

Shout out to Knightz for not quitting low out of the tournament and taking his death with honor.

- Posted by Grundle

#11249 reply report

Mysterious Felon,
Congratulations on your gold cup! It's been a long time coming. You've worked hard many times to win this, and I am very happy for you.

- Posted by Sigma