Posts for May 20, 2015


#10461 reply report

blues tonight -3 (mostly due to fluke (impulse), but some of you tyrants were long moving just like him)

- Posted by Li

#10462 reply report

Li ,
Mr. Ferry Hopping Marathoner, sir, I learned from you!
Come on, guy, it's pretty funny you complain about something you did just a few minutes before, don't you think? :P
You've obviously got a nice ping, yet you play it so safe. When you're finally in a jam, you hop on a ferry. Not a problem for me, I didn't (and wouldn't now) call you out on it (play how you like), except that you're being a hypocrite calling me out for the same thing.
P.S: My dog plays better than your dog!

- Posted by sFear

#10463 reply report

All that aside, as I've said before, when I realize there is a lot of premining going on, I'll respond with marathoning. At least two purples were premining, I ran into 3 screens full of mines, so decided to marathon.
I was out of duals close to the beginning of the raid from shooting purples who were raiding orange (I did turn duals off though, to help refill, although unsuccessfully). When you all gave up I had 0 ER's, less than 20 shields & duals. You probably could have gotten me.

- Posted by sFear

#10464 reply report

I've got horrible ping; I can't teleport, scan, shoot mines, AND move to fuel before you all show up---I usually can't even scan and move before tanks show up. I took your raid the way you'd have taken it, Lilly---or better. Go eat some chicken and be happy.
Only two players I felt the need to apologize to (and did) were War Beast and Nevyn (I've forgotten their team names---both orange).
My rank means little to me; if they want it, I'll give it to them.

- Posted by sFear

#10467 reply report

@Genghis Khan, Blackdragon, Polpot and other orange captains
Sorry for quitting repeatedly while taking shots from you. This kind of behavior is what I hate the most while taking raids. Forgive me making an excuse..I had a serious pc problem(I think torrent caused serious lag on my 10 year old pc. I turned it off but the lag was still on) + some private problems which had disturbed me a lot.

- Posted by Vom Kriege

#10468 reply report

Screen froze quite often and irregularly at that time + stupid phone i had to quit -_-. I tried to fight back in spite of this situation. It was ok when it was still 1vs1... I should've quitted before you guys ganged up with me. Really sorry

- Posted by Vom Kriege

#10469 reply report

Sup people! It's been a while since I have seen some of you!

- Posted by Sigma


#10459 reply report

That's right ..

- Posted by Genghis Your Daddy

#10460 reply report

Thank's Abe Simp Two for helping me fill my equipment at the start of the tournament. You shaved 1 min off my fill time. This gold cup is 99.9% thanks to you!

- Posted by Genghis Your Daddy