Posts for March 20, 2023


#22574 reply report

KoRn Well this is embarrassing, spent all that time dying on that other tank cause I thought for some reason tanks were color locked..

- Posted by Goddess

#22576 reply report

KoRn ,
If you really believe that an admittance to lag is proof that someone is intentionally dying in tournaments, you're way more moronic than I imagined, and I question the validity of the Lightbulb you carry. Not to mention the known fact that maybe 15 people still play this game at BEST(which I highly doubt its even that many), the "integrity" that you speak of has been gone since the original iteration of the game.

- Posted by Lockdown

#22578 reply report

All I see on this board is the same 3-4 people complaining about the cups they did or didn't win, with registrations holding 20-30 cups on tanks they couldn't possibly play all at once, bully one person who managed to come back because they lack any of the fundamental skills to kill them on the field. Put your dual shots where your mouth is and fire.

- Posted by the Perfectionist


#22575 reply report

It's pathetic how the same no life losers who beg for tournaments to be posted start crying as soon as they don't go their way. They just happen to be the same whiners who talk about trying to grow the game and get new players
The tourney regs basically killed this game with their constant whining, and obsession over their nth cup like it matters at all.
Please get a life

- Posted by no life losers