Posts for December 20, 2013


#4343 reply report

Federal. Notice my Gold tank? okay. I was just trying to get to 500 kills. Don't cry little one.

- Posted by Derka

#4344 reply report

Sorry for quitting during the raid. I am at my girlfriends place and the internet here is terrible and she was distracting me. I tried to fill up before quitting. Especially PURPLE KUSH my bad dude, I figured you were trying to rank up, but with the internet connection I had I would have had no chance of surviving more than 20 seconds. I'd be happy to set up a raid where I can actually fight back and not freeze up.
Sorry again if it looked like I quit low, please feel free to raid me another time. I won't make the mistake of playing at my gfs again. hahah

- Posted by goober

#4345 reply report

WEENIE BOY I was in when Sponge Bob came in and depo'd to him lol.......its ok to fk for gen nowadays
Just ask AOW

- Posted by Judge Constance Harm

#4347 reply report

I play this game on a 5 year old Macbook laptop and have dodgy internet. this means I'm super slow when more than 3 tanks are on my screen. hence why i can't play tournaments or take raids from high numbers. sometimes i wonder what it would be like speed like warrior or divine...



#4348 reply report

1. I, WEENIE BOY, will be launching a full scale assault on December 25, 2013 (around 9pm EST) against all Reds, Blues, & Purples. The Operation will be known as DUALS IN YO FACE.
2. This mission has been cleared through higher command and is rated CLASSIFIED.
3. If you chose to participate, simply create a Tank with the name, "DUALS IN YO FACE ?" <---- the question mark can be 82, XI, or what ever you'd like (DO NOT USE "I" cause that's me).
4. Only 2 Rules you must obey at all times: #1 NEVER quit "Q" when low on fuel pending death. Death is HONORABLE & should be treated as such. That last shot could help a team mate out. And Rule #2 - the target is who ever I am shooting.
5. The following applications have been respectfully DENIED for participation in this Op: Sujo, Divine Retribution, ENDURANCE, Warrior, Viper202, Battlefield 1 & 2, Super Sayin Vegito, Incontinental Beaver, and Supreme Commander. These people MUST play their regular tank!

- Posted by DUALS IN YO FACE I

#4349 reply report

6. Remember, Operation DUALS IN YO FACE commences on December 25, 2013 (9pm EST). The target is who ever I'm shooting at. It would be wise to start your tank a day or two early to fill up on equip.

- Posted by DUALS IN YO FACE I