Posts for November 20, 2022


#22406 reply report

Russian Roulette ,
Making accusations of people cheating without proof is super cringe and proves how much of a sore loser you are in these 6 man tournaments. GG trading for LB on your main tank. We all know your IQ way too low to win that award on your own. Btw why are you hiding behind a tournament tank instead of using your main tank while posting your low T comments on here? My stats and the awards I won speak for themselves. Enjoy dwelling in your basement loser.

- Posted by Globe Daddy

#22407 reply report

Russian Roulette ,
One more time for you,
Fleur du Mal is not me. If it was me, my message to you on that tank would of been different. You have a habit of connecting DOTs that aren't there which makes you a pseudointellectual. You must have a real salty life outside of this game if flexing in this 2D kids game makes you feel good...rofl, sad. I always GG everyone when I play tournaments so maybe you should learn to have better sportsmanship instead of talking down to other players that win.

- Posted by Globe Daddy

#22408 reply report

Russian Roulette ,
I also didn't start this. You did by accusing me of being someone I wasn't then doubling down like a moron to then also claim I "coordinated" a kill to win... lmao. You got some balls to make these BOLD claims without evidence or before checking with SW. This is the same fool that DM me for CheatEngine becuz dude was struggling to cup... glad it helped you with your timing homie but I think it's time for you to get off that high horse because anyone can get good at this 2d game.

- Posted by Globe Daddy

#22410 reply report

Russian Roulette ,
Do you think you can beat the top 25 tournament players consistently if they were all active? This is what people mean when they say there isn't much competition in 2022. There were at least 10+ top tournament players when I played. You'd be lucky if you get 2-5 top tournament players when playing these 6 man tournaments. I've never hated on you for winning a cup. I've rarely hated on any winner unless they blatantly cheated and was CONFIRMED by SW. Maybe you should do the same🤡

- Posted by Globe Daddy

#22411 reply report

Gates of Fire ,
Nice one lol. I didn't want to feed you those LT points but sadly you were the better ppher of them all. Plus it was better to pph with you for a solid few rounds then chase people that can't sit still for whatever reason. EQ was rough at the end so Gucci must had better luck with his eq scans to secure bronze. Well played Gucci. Captain Phillips ... bit of a D move for blocking my shots whenever you had the opportunity...part of the game so no worries, we sunny G. 😘

- Posted by Internet Apocalypse