Posts for November 20, 2015
I will be the aid for you in battle. My prime duty as a Medic is to detect Equipment and Fuel with my radar. when you need fuel just call I'll be there.
- Posted by Fuel Medic
I'm sure you did enjoy that very much. But I can tell you for sure that it won't happen again. Nice Try! But not really
- Posted by Ashrak2002
Kenny my friend, good luck with your future endeavors. I know I said I'd come back once upon a time but I wasn't able to find the spark to play again after so many of my comrades left - it was nothing but fun playing along side you while it lasted though. You're a legend my dude, god speed.
- Posted by lol
I couldn't agree more about Ashcrack. Nice play on his name BTW. :)
He is the biggest wuss.
All he does is run around like a little girl, won't shoot back, hides behind rocks trying to get you to not be able to shoot him. But, when somebody else starts to fight with you, he finally seems to find the courage to fight. He only fights when he can gang up on you with somebody else.
What a loser.
Get some skillz and grow some balls Ashcrack!
- Posted by Integrity
oxy does not even own his two nuts. he handed it to his girl. he likes to get spanked.
- Posted by oxy is a jiana
Detroit Lions Hire New President of Operations. "I am not qualified for this position. The Ford Family wanted me to be apart of their organization even though I have no experience in this industry. They also did not conduct a nation wide search for a new President of Operations as they stated previously."
Corruption exposed for the first time since William Clay Ford Sr. started the team. Now we must stand united to send the Ford Family Packing...
- Posted by Detroit Lions
I just learned that you can use a mic to send commands which is sweet! but every time I try to use it, I have to click the little mic icon, then I have to click "allow" to give it permission, which all the way up at the top of the browser, ends up taking more time than finding the message and clicking on it.
This might be a very silly question but does anyone know a way to make it so I don't have to click "allow" every time? Seems like I should only have to give it permission once right?
- Posted by EyesForLiars
Hello to everyone,
I used to be on a team back way back when, when the game was still called Battlefield, called The Billies.
I was just wondering if there are any Billies still around.
I ran into Angry Billy and another one who's name that I can't remember at the moment.
Maybe we could list ourselves and get an idea of how many of us there are still around.
Maybe resurrect the Billy team :)
- Posted by Nasty Billy