Posts for July 2, 2018


#16335 reply report

Come join TankPit Discord chat

- Posted by Discord

#16336 reply report

Hahaha don't get it twisted, kid. I just checked back in for a few days because I (like everyone else that's relevant, apparently) have moved on to doing adult things in life and just wanted some s**ts and giggles (this reply to your BB post will count as mostly giggles). A quick scan of the BB posts here and on that sh*tty forum that no one probably even uses anymore will confirm the fact that people have been clowning on you much longer than I've been even playing the game.

- Posted by DrawToTheWheel

#16337 reply report

What you don’t realize is that the smart money says you’re probably only a member of this “community” simply as a byproduct of having played so long (and by having sacrificed thousands of hours of what my educated guess is, at best, a pedestrian life).

- Posted by DrawToTheWheel


#16339 reply report

Was feeling a bit lazy in the tournament today, sorry to everyone that tried to engage fighting me. Was just looking for an easy win. Victory threw itself at me!

- Posted by Be4sTiN 24-7