Posts for December 2, 2014


#8566 reply report

@getchya, You don't have to explain what x5 is, I used it myself. No matter what you're using/playing you are always restricted by your upload back to the server. Say you have 2000m/s ping it would take you relatively 2 seconds longer to move over someone who had 50 ping. Even if you are using x5. You are comparing x5 to the base game without taking ping into consideration.I thought you owned an ISP, am I missing something? And no BF hasn't got slower. You just arent using x5 anymore. Logic bro.

- Posted by Willow

#8568 reply report

Hey Battlefield-2 and Targa,
sorry for bailing on y'all, but I got some major lag...dont know if someone in my house was downloading/uploading something, but in 2 seconds there was a massive speed up and half my health vanished before my eyes!
See y'all soon and happy tank pitting,
Czar of Butterflies

- Posted by Czar of Butterflies


#8567 reply report

I aLrEaDy HaVe A gOlD CuP. iF i WanT To ChAsE YoU aRoUnD tHaTs mY pErOgAtiVe. JuSt poiNtInG oUt ThAt YoU aRe A BiG nOoB EvEn tHoUgH YoU PlAyeD BaCk iN 2000.

- Posted by fLaPpYBiRd