Posts for November 2, 2013


#3751 reply report

I just want to say Battlefield-0 is a straight up beast, idk who you are originally but all you do all day is take raids and do it like a pro. Props to you, unless your using special software...

- Posted by BreaK BaD

#3755 reply report

has anyone noticed a ton of lag lately? i can barely play when 2 or more tanks are firing at the same time



#3754 reply report

@ Liu Kang
Then you should hand Kung Lao one for getting owned yesterday.
- Posted by Snake Doctor '
lol, when the noobiest players try to talk trash smh...
yo who's "Smoke" ? just wanted to know who created the tank ?
also some one mad e nightwolf tank but it's red
sooo yeah lol......
i'm still accepting teammates rn it's me and smoke. i could get more team mates easily just lmk
I have proved to be one of the more elite tanks on the field. trust me there was tons of people wanting to join me until others started hating lol.
one more thing, blue team mates stop dying carlessly during raids lol it happens when you tele to no fuel. be more careful.

- Posted by Kung Lao


#3750 reply report

No problem Krusty,
I overreacted anyway.
See you on the field!

- Posted by Beard

#3753 reply report

I didn't low-q on you. I had 50+ armor shields on me, that's why you kept shooting and I didn't die.
The only reason I left was because there was 5 minutes on the clock and I didn't see the point in competing with the immense amount of dying downs that were going on.

- Posted by Nature Boy