Posts for October 2, 2013


#3533 reply report

weekday nachos,
Don't hate on Blue team. We all know you're Omega Supreme.
See you on the field!

- Posted by Beard

#3534 reply report

thank you nachos for inspiring me to make a blue tank. blue tank dominance incoming.

- Posted by Truth or Dare

#3535 reply report

hello everyone is good to see the game is back been playing for years.i used to play under iamking on castle alot man those where the lookin forward to gettin all my awards back n bein a genrel somewhat fast so see u all on the field

- Posted by skiptomylou


#3536 reply report

Why is there so many bandwagon Blues in the game now?? You guys do know that there is more than one color right? Blue tanks that I never see just seem to pop out whenever they see lots of blues.

- Posted by TAURUSSS