Posts for January 2, 2020


#18224 reply report

Nachos condemning teams, while participating on them...

- Posted by Shut Up Fleabag

#18227 reply report

If youre a member of the Pyramid team, feel bad about yourself, I shot off 50 shots on 5 you and 3 tags-- Still after shooting singles you keep raiding, guess I gotta keep Taming you N1993RS

- Posted by N1993R T4M3R

#18228 reply report

CoolKyleMac, pretty shittt way to be on the BB less than 24 hours in on 2020? lol what did u accomplish last year 30 hours of nothingness on another meaningless tank? Quit chirping about teams and players you know nothing about, purely speculating like a lost pup. I have not created a team tank as of 2020. Btw checkmate owns your puny little soul on and off the field my SON, now go back and hang out with you prepubescent brats on fortnite lmao! REKT nd RINSED as usual.. move along now scootscoot

- Posted by EPIC 8

#18231 reply report

The day started with a massive amount of purple tanks. Later during the day a almost all red players played all at once together. I loved it. I had the chance to raid and be raided in the same day. I hope it will keep going on that path!
By the way, pYramid has some amazing raid taking folks in their team. Really enjoyed playing with these guys.

- Posted by Flop

#18232 reply report

Shutup and play kyle


#18234 reply report

I was thinking of you. I was gunna make a post towards the new newb purple team. and say, Where is the HONOR? They need honorable players like you,weekend,stud,zub and so on, back to the game.
Happy too see your still checking in too, HONOR lives to his name. most honorable respectable player ever.
happy new year!

- Posted by Battlefield-2


#18229 reply report

Also a big lol to anyone complaining about freebz
to rank even if within the first week, yes some if not most of us like to achieve the stars legitimate on a new tank, myself included. But if people choose to rank up with help why does it spur a bunch of spaz crybabys to come rant on te BB about it? Lmao i swear some of yall are adults now but come here whining worse then when u were 12 with no bllzz playing this game. makes me laugh boyz keep it up! kylemac and nachos for TP prez2020plz? REKT

- Posted by EPIC 8


#18230 reply report

Orange noob team(raid like poop)
Purple Team(MERLIN thanks for the 1 star)
Fastest Player on The Keys
-The Tamer

- Posted by N1993R T4M3R


#18226 reply report

Y'all lucky I had to leave for 10 minutes with nobody to be seen in the rear view.

- Posted by Corpse Reviver