Posts for September 19, 2019


#17927 reply report

I was actually thinking that things have been pretty quiet ever since I dropped the, uh, "EPIC" truth bomb that the game is better of dead than being dependent on players like you (happy to include you on that Destiny/SHOCK/Globe Cùnt list). Responder apathy? Or general (and likely increasing) acceptance of a hard truth? I'll let you decide. In any event, I'm more than happy to continue to outclass you (either on the field or in a verbal argument) at your convenience.

- Posted by DrawToTheWheel

#17928 reply report

lame ass troll... come up with your own shit scrub


#17929 reply report

taf, 4th Armored Division, both of you are probably the worst players I've seen to date. 4AD does nothing except move from one fuel barrel to another without ever firing a shot. If someone appears low on fuel you'll Tele and jump on em... but the second they shoot back you go right back to cowering and running nonstop. taf all its takes is for someone to enter the map on another color that you arent on and you hammer that "Q" key til you're logged... Skeletor you're not much better than 4AD...

- Posted by EPIC 6

#17930 reply report

PARANOID PENGUIN, you must be taf's alternate. I've never seen someone leave a map the second that a tank thats not a bot comes in.... FFS kids... get it together.... grow a pair...

- Posted by EPIC 6