Posts for February 19, 2015
Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you. In fact, there could be better communication between the TP staff and the players on how to approach advertising for the game. I think you pose a great question.
We can always employ word-of-mouth advertising, but the game needs more of an online presence and a particular appeal. Basically, someone needs to be getting paid to advert and run the game...
- Posted by noodle
I hope so lol cuz it is already difficult for me to survive just 3 of non hack enemies
- Posted by Speakers
We will convince the game owner to bring back Apps and other water maps if you just stop running from 2v1s and quitting out the moment your shields go into single digits. Take a raid or two, fight back against multiple opponents, and we'll see if we can bring back your favorite map =)
- Posted by Sigma