Posts for January 19, 2014


#4582 reply report

Warrior is on of the better and more respected players in the game... and he has earned that. Thats all i have to say

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4583 reply report

King cobrA
you sly dog! :) Nice raid was fun!

- Posted by SimplyElite


#4585 reply report

how do i shot tank?

- Posted by Dopa


#4581 reply report

Welcome to the team WEENIE BOY!

- Posted by snakez own tp


#4584 reply report

Lol Yeah I made a couple teleports and struck out trying to find fuel and got stuck on that big island with you. I thought for sure I was going to die but it ended with about 15 shields left. I knew I was going to have to keep moving so you guys couldn't get too many duals into me lol.
That tourney sucked btw. Couldn't find anyone to fight for most of it!

- Posted by GummiBear

#4586 reply report

These are becoming a joke.

- Posted by ----Octahedron----