Posts for August 18, 2015


#11015 reply report

Hello Skinripper91
You have the audacity to brag about quitting low. How comical. I take every single raid, and I do my best to take it until the people give up/or I get into single digit extra radars. As everyone in this community with any sense of pride does.
You're terrible and your death medal is fake. Stop playing like a wuss and copy the play style of people who take raids and don't fear death in a video game. Look at Homer J Simpson/CHEW DA JEW/noodle/etc.

- Posted by Victory

#11016 reply report

Also, if you're in the regular map and you're not being targeted during raids then you should consider that a problem.
It means that the community that's already established has deemed you a scumbag.
There are plenty of videos and information available online for you to better your play.
If you want to be capable of winning cups/taking crazy raids then look them up.
If not, the least you can do is not brag about quitting low on the TPBB. It's just sad.

- Posted by Victory

#11018 reply report

Hello AgentMilitia-4--49
You take extremely good raids. It's as if you're trolling with a newb name/award set or something.
If you're actually from Desert from the time frame you're listing names do you remember
- -TwIsT oF FaTe- -
- -OxY CoTToN- -
or simply "oxy"?
I don't recall an orange named "Militia" who took raids this well. And I would have.

- Posted by Victory


#11013 reply report

your a good ally on the field. always batteling with heart and escaping death from enemy. i usually fight until death is upon, using up all my ammunitio til the enemy relievs me. i wlcome all battle until death.

- Posted by AgentMilitia-4--49


#11014 reply report

No sweat man. Take it easy, spend time with the family (you have a daughter now, right?), and definitely take as long of a break as you need from this game. If you ever come back, you will feel more mentally charged and motivated. No need to play to the point of burn-out or if you are discouraged. And maybe keep playing anonymous tanks and once you rack up a nice resume of cups, people will stop harassing you on your main tank (it took a while for me too but eventually it worked)

- Posted by Sigma

#11017 reply report

Hello Cracki3!
I was really rooting for you to win that tournament. It took everything out of me not to just fk you to major tbh.
I'd definitely prefer you keep trying though. You just need to prioritize fighting and you have to seek other high ranks/people who don't frequently move. If you're ever in that position again, find another captain/major if possible.
If you're struggling to find people to fight then attack bots. I've won most of my cups when I've had around 15 bot kills.

- Posted by Victory