Posts for April 18, 2015


#10244 reply report

It is easier to get killed than to be stressed about getting fuel when I get back on. Thanks for the respect.

- Posted by Roadkill

#10246 reply report

Vom Kriege,
You do gain more points per shot when you're a lower rank, but you also have to consider that if your rank is too low, people won't want to shoot back and hence they won't sit still. No one wants to PPH with you if you are sergeant or lieutenant. The sweet spot is probably at captain / major - you get more points per shot than being colonel / general, but people are still willing to PPH with captains and majors.

- Posted by Sigma

#10247 reply report

2015 HaxxerscumVP candidates:
TP Police. Fool cant even get my name right. Everyone (except you) that has accused me of something at least got my name right. I look forward to your reply

- Posted by Ashrak2002

#10252 reply report

hi im a newbie XD

- Posted by Rainbow BerrY

#10255 reply report

@ Danny Boy
I lagged with my shield, been lagging in tourney too is y i got deactivated- minor mistake in tourney lul off by a pixel who knew

- Posted by --ArMadilLo--

#10256 reply report

Genghis Khan is my daddy!

- Posted by Fidel Castro

#10257 reply report

Vom Kriege,
SHORT ANSWER: No sir, it is not better, nor is it more efficient to intentionally stay at low ranks to shoot higher ranks.
LONG ANSWER: Lower ranks do get more points shooting higher ranks, HOWEVER, once people realize that you're intentionally staying a low rank like that, they will dislike & avoid you, which will decrease the amount of points you get per hour enough that it's less than if you'd just rank-up.
(Only exception [probably] is if you are just bot killing.)

- Posted by sFear


#10251 reply report

Kennedy, Van D, Freeman, Li etc... Your team was fun to play against-- hope you all make a comeback soon! (And to compete against the new team Tyrants and updated Simpsons)... peace

- Posted by noodle


#10245 reply report

Shoulda just quit on that one once I was stupid enough to run myself out of EQ after an hour due to not paying attention to the length of the tourney beforehand. Two hours is way too much time to play this game anyway. lol

- Posted by Bunni

#10248 reply report

Like I said, 2015 TANKPIT MVP!

- Posted by chewsetboss

#10250 reply report

I got bronze this last tournament. :3

- Posted by The Experiment

#10254 reply report

sorry i went off in tourney :(
i started late and got on a moody rant

- Posted by --ArMadilLo--