Posts for March 18, 2022


#21812 reply report

If Chen has a million friends i am one of them. if Chen has ten friends i am one of them. if Chen has only one friend, that is me. if Chen has no friends, that means i am no more on the earth. if the world is against the Chen, i am against the world.
Chen my fren for life till end

- Posted by Hays


#21815 reply report

Didn't your black transgender female drill sergeant teach you that discipline, team work, and not being emotional were good leadership traits?

PRO TIP: Don't die in tournaments. If you do, learn how to not die for the next tournament rather than quit the game in raging r333tard mode

PRO TIP 2: If your team mate is doubling your team's cup count (in1 month), be happy since the rest of your team are only sugars in tourneys

- Posted by Putin Respecter