Posts for November 18, 2015
In light of my moving to the great state of VA, I will be leaving the tp community. Most of you know I have been playing at work, and this will not be an option anymore. My family life at home will not allow for me to continue this game. I will make a brief appearance here and there and perhaps even re join full time one day. But after tomorrow, I will be a mere figment of your imagination :)
Ps.. that was wack!
- Posted by SimplyElite
ALL anyone did in this turny is go for points to mob ppl in the end as usual what a POS turny.
- Posted by Frinzee
Zoopid, DisturbinG Th3 Peac3, -TheShining. Sorry you all missed out on your cups. Frinzee decided he would free kill me and then sit still in a small raid and die again, punjab got that kill. It's a dirty cup and I do not deserve it. I would be happy if SW would derank me and punjab and allow everybody to have their rightful cups. -TheShining, I wanted to stick it out as LT until the end to see if I could catch you, I imagine it was pretty close, good job!
- Posted by Big Bad Barri
Zoopid should of had gold, unlucky man. I felt so bad so I followed you for the last 10 mins of the tourn making sure you secured a cup. It was a good feeling when you passed Punjab to take that silver!
- Posted by Big Bad Barri
Congratulations on your cup Zoopid!
You probably were the only one with a legit kill and deserved gold
GJ on passing PunjaB as well, he isn't very good but you slapped him up for your first cup. We were all very surprised to see you win, GL mate
- Posted by celestial cilantro
Frinzee has been convicted of several egregious counts of blatant handing out of free kills during tournaments, and then bragging about it over instant messaging chat. SW - please issue a tournament ban of appropriate length to Frinzee, so that we can bring integrity back to tournaments again. Thank you very much
- Posted by Sigma