Posts for January 18, 2014


#4576 reply report

Don't cry bro. Try not to pick out the weaker newer players for you and your buddies target next time. Don't spam me with your hate in this 2d tank game. Get real dude. Try to swing your minature meat hook another way next time in the game. A new player comes in game and all "experienced" players try to gang him down? Then when he runs you spam him with your keyboard warrior hate? C'mon son. Shoot your buddy Goober the general next time instead of taking the easy piece like that overweight chick in highschool. You may taste sweet victory instead of dat fromunda cheese knowmsayin?

- Posted by BillyJean

#4578 reply report

To Blues
Yet again here we go with the nub stuff. You guys were doing good for a while now were back to you all running from simple 1v1. You don't make bases you don't shoot bots whats your purpose of playing if you aren't going to play. I guess teleporting around the map is fun for you. Ashrak is the biggest scrub that plays blue but atleast he has some purpose. He shoots bots and if he wants to be left alone to do that then thats fine. The rest of you what are you even on the game for? I don't know maybe sitting around doing nothing and running when someone shots me is fun. I will try it and see. This isn't to the obvious players that play either you know who you are.
No one has any sense of pride these days. Sad stuff.
Cya in Game

- Posted by mark

#4580 reply report

Hawks Eat Snakes

- Posted by Black Hawk


#4577 reply report

Nice try fingolfin! Although you didn't have much equipment you were hard to bring down. Also thank you for playing honorably, I know how frustrating it is to die during a tournament.

- Posted by SuLFuR

#4579 reply report

You are one hard son of a gun to kill at the end! How many shields did you have at the very end? I ran out of duals and operation X cash was shooting me so it was a little hard to chase ya around! I would've had an easy gold if I got ya!

- Posted by SuLFuR