Posts for April 17, 2020
P.1 Epic 7,
Appreciate the kind words. I am a long time player. I actually played in the early-early days when whiner and MOMMY were number 1... if you can remember as far back as whiner, I will be impressed.
Those days it was tough to become a Major, Colonel, and General. Some of the top 10 weren't even generals! People didn't use equipment unless someone was dark, etc. I stayed playing throughout but never got too serious. I know the basics decently well just like to mess around.
- Posted by JamesChen
Epic 7,
Reason I mess around and deactivate down is because I figure it would discourage me from getting too invested in the game LOL. Maybe in the future I will take you up on the offer! Definitely transition as I stopped playing Fortnite. Also, I started timing my clicks more and have been able to speed up my movements like you do.
Keep it up! Maybe I will make a new account then take it serious! Glad to see this game survived after all these years. It's truly a testament
- Posted by JamesChen
to the fan commitment and quality of the game. They seemed to improve in the right spots while maintaining the aspects that made this game so enjoyable for 8 year olds all the way through 50+ yr olds!
Ps. Reason I would make another tank when playing seriously is because I tend to get ganged up on because of all the sh!t I've talked :D :D :D
- Posted by JamesChen
Blue-4 got much more respeck than you. I'd rather die to blue-4 than die to a homo named JamestakesitontheChen. Get *** then talk shet.
- Posted by Aeris