Posts for February 17, 2014


#4772 reply report

I'd like to give a warm shout out to some people:
The fabricator, I figure you are newish to the game, glad to see some new faces that play honorably with their heart, you rock.
NOVAK, I seem you in every so often, but you play like a champ, and I also assume you are somewhat inexperienced, but keep up the good work bro.
King Cobra, you have been killing it in game and in the tourneys. Keep up the good work man.
WONGERINE, don't worry about dying in tournaments, if they are not intentional. If you come back form a death people will swarm you and complain when you die. Sometimes it is best if you people don't come back just to avoid any backlash. But if you don't lose rank and are in a high position, I'd say fill up and play it safe!
Also, has anyone seen CSA2? I hope he didn't quit the game forever, I'd feel terrible.
Love, SEAGRAVE (goober)

- Posted by SEAGRAVE

#4773 reply report

Gj warrior

- Posted by Truth or Dare

#4774 reply report

To; Battlefield-2 purple
Thanks, I owe you!
From: Tankdad

- Posted by Calvin