Posts for December 17, 2014


#8739 reply report

I agree with your statements about Optimus. Quit running and fight, noob!

- Posted by Skullcruncher

#8740 reply report

Toall the reds who helped me get me double star
Thank yall for the great support in those fights. I called the raid on two of the three deactivations last night and it was awesome to see everyone respond like that. That was incredible great fighting out there.

- Posted by xX The PatrioT Xx

#8741 reply report

Optimus Prime
I know you are nicely decorated and are a vet of this game but when someone calls meet me or base is here and they only have a single star it would be greatly appreciated if you would help them out. Not saying anything about your skill as a player but it would be great to help some of us out with our achievements as well seeing as how most on this game havent done it on their own. You being one of those people seeing as how you are a tansformer.

- Posted by UnReLeNtInG ChAoS

#8742 reply report

Thanks man...I saw Purp, Blue, and Orange on me :P. It is nice to be seeing people have fun on the field, and I had a lot of fun for the time I was in. I hope for more hours of enjoyment like that. Peace, Love, and hippie grease.

- Posted by ENDURANCE

#8744 reply report

Sorry I had to bail orange, duty called at work. Hope you all are on in a few mins to finish what you started :)

- Posted by SimplyElite


#8743 reply report

Lol at Empty Tank (major) freekilling Full Tank (capt) to try to rank up to colonel. No rank up.. was he dumb enough to do it from the same IP? ;D

- Posted by Druu