Posts for November 17, 2015


#11873 reply report

Thanks Grayghost! :)

- Posted by Barricade

#11874 reply report

Hey God!
You've improved a lot lately! Well done! You took a few decent raids tonight and was much harder to take down! Keep up the good work! You'll only get better!

- Posted by Reverend Lovejoy

#11875 reply report

Hey Jedi if I'm on i'll help you get gen np

- Posted by celestial cilantro

#11876 reply report

sigma, copy version speed hack you send dont work. (many coding error) i send you more bitcoin if need. pls send asap. toda


#11877 reply report

Can someone give me an example of a war correspondent entry. I do believe I am going about it all wrong.

- Posted by -xJedi


#11871 reply report

Uhg, I'm getting so frustrated. My play has improved immensely from where I was 2 months ago but I am running into stupid problems. I will go 5 minutes of near perfect PPH where I am always 1 turn away from being dead when I go for fuel but then I screw it up by mis-clicking, double-clicking, using the radar on accident, etc. It's not that I don't know what I have to do, I just don't do it right for whatever reason.

- Posted by Flys Eggs

#11872 reply report

I don't want to regress to playing more cautiously so that I can not get a unnecessary death every other time I get on but this is getting ridiculous.

- Posted by Flys Eggs