Posts for August 16, 2024


#24253 reply report

CoL Oni ,
I'd hide too after Rayguns performance. LOL

- Posted by Nick Gurr

#24254 reply report

e X c L u S i V e how does it feel to die so bad like a noob people are 💩 on your head lol

- Posted by Lucky Luciano

#24256 reply report

Nick Gurr,
Your bars ramble on and on,
like sentences run-on.
Get to the point!
No need for five posts.
You continue to disappoint...
Your bars are hazier than a ghost.
No real need to touch on the topic of the game.
I've always been a legend in name.
You're still doing the same...
Trying to get that bulletin board fame.

- Posted by CoL Oni

#24257 reply report

Nick Gurr,
Oh, Nick.
This was a tough read.
Trying to be slick,
Your posts make my eyes bleed.
Maybe I've called you G, yo
Don't misinterpret, though.
You're far from a gansta,
Just a little wanka.
You're lacking proof,
Where's the receipts?
Boy, you're just a spoof.
I always get my eats.

- Posted by CoL Oni