Posts for June 16, 2022
These tournys are a joke. Strip that from Valkyrie, give me my 136K gold and ban him and asleep in the deep. That's back to back tournaments with glaring fk's in the final minutes. Same people i'm sure.
I don't spend my time on a game when people cheat left and right. I waste an hour of my time on this only to have some idi0t give a freebie in the final 2 minutes. It says these tourns are monitored.
Valkyrie gets the best fill time, leads early, drops to 4th and gets a fk. pathetic.
- Posted by Ember
Btw, good job to major j3rk and battlefield ghosts. Ghosts, you got robbed of a cup.
If i had to guess, i'd take a wild shot and say valkyrie is sun spots, along with the previous tournament where Bookdock Saints got that suspect kill.
Those will be buried under the radar for a while i'd guess. I could be wrong but i'm curious as to who these people are consistently getting kills in the final minutes to scr3w people over.
Ban and strip. Speak out ppl
- Posted by Ember