Posts for December 16, 2013


#4311 reply report

I know exactly who you are LK and I don't know anyone else who would desperately try to raid lieus as a major when color dominant. So thirsty..

- Posted by guest

#4322 reply report

I'd like to give a shout out to the adorable idolize -- JOINTZ (a.k.a. Sponge Bob) for giving a free kill to the precious XxBLOODxX. Really passionate display of affection this game has seen in a while. Keep up the good work! I always enjoy a good love story!!! I hope there is a happy ending :]
Yours truly,

- Posted by goober

#4323 reply report

Wow goober!!! Great job deactivating me while i was away for 30 secs... you got mad skills... teach me how you play bro... what a pro!!

- Posted by TurkeY

#4324 reply report

Due to overwhelming demand custom tiles are now available for Tankpit. Grass DOES grow in the desert wasteland. Lava does flow from the center of The Pit.Track through sand on the beaches of iceland . Go to your game settings to customize to your preference.Developers have added a cool lava tile feature as well,try it out and post some feedback here.

- Posted by Warrior

#4313 reply report

Have to admit I was shocked at how fast you reds knew I was comming again for your base. I don't know why I kept comming... I eventually realised there was no fuel in there so it was a suicide mission, which proved to be true. Props to you all as well for defending. Was a ton of fun! Are you a blue general under another tank name?

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4314 reply report

To: Judge & Purple Major,
Apologize for ruining the tempo of our battle. You won fair and square........I meant to click on "F" (I was trying to get on that raft in the and clicked on "Q" by accident. I came right back in so one of you could get the kill.........sorry about that.

- Posted by DUALS IN YO FACE I

#4316 reply report

I created a history .

- Posted by Mrr

#4319 reply report

Duals to your Face.....dude, you've been babbling on about starting this tank for quite some time now and then you pulled the stunt on me and Herbert Powell tonight? Good try though, see yuh on the field!

- Posted by -BoomslanG-

#4320 reply report

@ weenie boy
Gotta ask casue I saw you post about this to someone else before... Y do u keep exiting game every ten minutes? Just curious. Also, are you going to be duals in yo face primarily now?

- Posted by SimplyElite

#4321 reply report

Yep Im the original Midnight l But I was epic 10, tho I actually held a few epic tanks in my day, but I was just epic 10

- Posted by Midnight l


#4315 reply report

I need a member of the snake clan to contact me. i was a member for a few months back in late 2011. now that im back would like to be in contact

- Posted by -Horned addeR-

#4318 reply report

f any teams are looking to recruit please let me know. I'm a decent player, i don't quit low and i'm pretty active right now. If you guys wanna test my skills i'll see you out there. I'm just looking to make this game more interesting =)
Happy hunting!
- Posted by InkedSage
I'm looking for loyal active players to help me get this Mortal Kombat team rolling, I haven't won a cup yet my self so this isnt yet requirement like it is for most teams. I will hopefully cup during christmas tourneys, bringing me more respect and players wanting to join.
All I ask of my comrads is that you always battle along side each other, never let some one take raid alone unless they request, never quit low, and rank to gen before 15 - 20 hours
The only I had on my roster was Smoke, who to my knowledge is in active. Lmk if you want to join.

- Posted by Liu Kang


#4312 reply report

Enter Passcode you're question certainly seems valid to me. It wouldn't make sense if you weren't awarded with it.

- Posted by Judge Constance Harm