Posts for October 16, 2013


#3584 reply report

Thanks for dieing and making me general :D

- Posted by Cows

#3582 reply report

Hello Everyone!
I was an ORIGINAL Battlefield player. I recently found and decided to give it a try (this game is still very addicting). I find it very disturbing that people have to raid other people. I mean, if a player clicks on "come get me" then sure....all hell should break loose. But what fun is it when 5 or 6 or 7 blue tanks attack 1 red tank? And to those of you cheaters out there, get a life. There's very little skill taking place in a raid like this. If you have a MEGA computer with Gigs of Ram for Java, you'll probably have a faster connection than others. Is that supposed to make you a better player? BOTTOM LINE: stop cheating and learn to fight 1 on 1 or maybe 2 on 1.

- Posted by jwcoop

#3583 reply report

Real men fight 1v1. Don't cry that you can't get an easy kill when someone won't fight back 1v5. It's always a privilege and their choice for someone to fight back, not an obligation.

- Posted by I Heart Catherine

#3587 reply report

Shining Sword Aquired! Purple for LYFE!

- Posted by Uncle Si

#3585 reply report

Hello daddy

- Posted by GeneralSick

#3586 reply report

I want my child support daddy

- Posted by GeneralSick


#3581 reply report

Glad we could all pull together to put some pressure on the other colors. Good Job on Triple Star!

- Posted by ENDURANCE