Posts for January 16, 2014


#4565 reply report

If you're having trouble with Java, read the TankPit home page!

- Posted by General Lucy


#4559 reply report

Anyone else having issues with the new java? I wasted 25 minutes of the tourney today just trying to get it to let me play. I find it ridiculous that you can't force it to run the application but it seems that's the way it is...
Now I can't seem to play on my main computer. Any suggestions? Just go back to old java?

- Posted by GummiBear

#4561 reply report

I like you dude, can tell you're new at the game but i like your persistence, congrats on the star btw!

- Posted by weekend nachos

#4563 reply report

anything under 150ms is a good ping

- Posted by PRIDE

#4564 reply report

:( I don't know how to get the game to work now.

- Posted by Valkyrie Jenn

#4566 reply report

HAHA Anaconda you faked a Lieu kill? Dude you're horrible. You and 4 oranges including two gens can't kill a Lieu? It's funny everyone fakes kills when nobody is in the game. I saw Diamondbacks little stunt with Warrior too. Horrible. You get rubbed for that silver cup too?

- Posted by BillyJean


#4562 reply report


- Posted by Otto Mann


#4558 reply report

Oh what a surprise, I see red has no players and orange and blue are dwindling. Surprise! the purple fan boys are sticking it to everybody. In a private chat session coordinating their attacks. Can you guys let me know what color you will be next tourney so I can minimize the gang poundage? Thanks in advance.

- Posted by sn4ck5