Posts for September 15, 2015


#11198 reply report

Man this triple star is never gonna come. Twice now my killed has been taken by a rank lower than captain. Please...... stop shooting if the kill does nothing for you that bots cant do. I would appreciate it greatly.

- Posted by -xJedi

#11199 reply report

I had a chance to take a raid he said ?? Lol Victory your really bad guy , i take raids all the time ask the ppl who raid me ?? .. not too mention you TRY HARDS couldnt even kill me on MC RAILZ the whole hour you guys came after me .. YOU EVEN QUIT LOW and have the nerve to blab .. your funny .. Dont quit low and be a true player instead of a piggy back freak lol funny stuff kid

- Posted by DeatH WarranT

#11200 reply report

Wow RECKANIZE another little baby .. I TOOK YOUR RAIDS ALL DAY .. Dont get mad because my blue teammates have my back and wont let you raid me sorry i have friends.. then 2 of every other color came and you still couldnt kill me so yeah i left .. your hilarious .. dont get mad because you cant kill me BK .. your garbage mister 170 or whatever prolly have more then 60 hrs haha i take raids whenever there thrown at me if there LEGIT play the game and stop wining .. Orville good takes all day

- Posted by DeatH WarranT

#11201 reply report

@Polar Bear Thanks glad to be back !!

- Posted by DeatH WarranT

#11203 reply report

Too Legit! Too Legit to Quit!!
That is all folks. Thank you.

- Posted by Legit

#11204 reply report

I truly believe we be much better if yall could focus on one opponent for more than two seconds. Good lord. When you join in opn a raid on someone please stick to the target or its useless. And in turn you are useless.

- Posted by -xJedi


#11202 reply report

That's right, you better R E C K A N i Z E

- Posted by L E N G E N D i Z E