Posts for November 15, 2015


#11863 reply report

5 Hours left till batty

- Posted by Badboyz


#11864 reply report

EyesForLiars, you can freely switch between colors as you please. If you switch from blue to red then your blue stats will be saved but you will start with fresh stats on red. Once you switch back to blue, you will continue with the stats you had from last time you was blue. I highly recommend creating a new tank with the same name if you want to play a different color so you can win the awards over again :) If you look at the top 10 lists you will notice Battlefield-2 has several ...

- Posted by Barricade

#11865 reply report

... tanks with the same name but different colors and awards.
The donation you are taking about is if you want to take your stats from blue and transfer them to red, this means that blue will have zero stats again and your current stats will be on red.
I hope I explained it well enough for you. :)

- Posted by Barricade


#11866 reply report

Great tournament fellas !

- Posted by Frinzee

#11867 reply report

Lance, you made the right decision. I can promise you that you wasn't close lol.

- Posted by evil frosty II