Posts for November 15, 2013


#3915 reply report

I'm The Mayeather of TP so it seems.
Really.... Johnny Dangerously ?
your talking ... ? lol smh face palm, and all that good stuff haha.
Warrior isn't using hax. I mean, like I said, vets don't complain. But look who is Sponge Bob and
Break Bad ... it's your comp or your relfexes bro, clean'em up !
As far as any alliances go Me and Krusty handle our business. No comment.

- Posted by Liu Kang

#3916 reply report

Hey all, just found this game about a week ago. It reminded me of all the good times back in battlefield times. It's so refreshing that so many people still play and love this game, although many years have passed.
Slowly getting into it, but thanks for the stars Break Bad! I'm still a newbie but I figure I'll make it someday.

- Posted by Eclipse

#3917 reply report


- Posted by Homer J Simpson

#3927 reply report


- Posted by Krusty The Clown

#3928 reply report

WEENIE BOY, I am Battlefield-0 and also Flubber. How come you will only allow me to use your message on my orange tank but not my purple? You allow weaker, less skilled players like Scrubior and SCRUBURANCE use the message but not myself? I rule!

- Posted by Krusty The Clown

#3930 reply report

^ What Krusty said.

- Posted by Flubber

#3931 reply report

Do you quit low because you can't accept defeat? If so, you chose an appropriate mentor. #Hebrews 2:14-15.

- Posted by Romans 6 23

#3934 reply report

Break Bad
Now it's you spreading slander once again?You still mad that i killed you easily in castles 1v1 the other day? I'm a legend my son and you better come at me with the whole blue mob and you probably still won't kill me haha. Salinity levels peaking in scrub n00bs that resort to falsely accusing people due to the fact that they are softer than wet bread. Step your game up my friend.

- Posted by Warrior

#3935 reply report


- Posted by WEENIE BOY

#3921 reply report

Day 1 Kung Lao talks trash.
Day 2 His tank 'Wealth' gets deactivated.
Not a big deal. I mean after all it's not the team he went through the trouble of creating that tank for let him join anyway lol.

- Posted by Lonely Hearts

#3924 reply report

***********START CODE FF0000**********************
Supreme commander you are corrupt we will not follow some who has provoked war against innocent people, And the deactivation of our allies. We are the rebellion. Our Red Generals will lead us to victory.
*************END CODE FF0000************************

- Posted by RED ARMY

#3926 reply report

game is garbage...lose the fuel every square and you might have a decent game...sad when your a colonel and cant kill a recruit cuz all they have to do is about yall come see me at some COD

- Posted by God of War


#3919 reply report

Supreme Commander worst team leader ever. Newbies beware, the murky grimy air he spits from his rotted mouth holds less value than that of a peasants peasant. He is nothing more than a mockery, proceed with beating this buffoon senseless.

- Posted by Homie J Pimpson

#3925 reply report

Good job quitting low and fuel hugging today. Oh and thanks for showing me that you cheated to get your Gold Cup. It would be an insult to my dog to compare him to you. Respect level = 0.

- Posted by Red Baron

#3923 reply report

I'm Liu Kang aka Kung lao if you didn't know.
Now you know ;].

- Posted by WEALTH


#3918 reply report

Supreme Commander, you are, in fact, THE weakest link. May my prayers shower your life with positivism and all the mid class women you can handle. And bread, lots of bread.

- Posted by D OH

#3932 reply report


- Posted by Liu Kang


#3920 reply report

Krusty, congratulations on your consistent tournament success. I would also like to you thank you for your continuous support of The Simpson team. You have been a big role in the team, from day 1, to now. You play with dignity, and you die with honor. I'd like you dub you the first "official" co-leader of the team. Your services are appreciated, see ya in Springfield!

- Posted by HomerWittaAk47